The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, Corn Bread

One for Peter Reinhart

One for Peter Reinhart, author of, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice.

and one for Nicole!

and one for Nicole!

 www.PinchMySalt , whose lovely author, Nicole, set us upon a discovery, baking a loaf a week  (approximately), from P.R.’s masterpiece.  She aptly named her effort:  The Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge.

Sharing the joy

Sharing the joy

 Of a venture shared and enjoyed by fellow baker’s around the world.

This bread stands alone!

This bread stands alone!


There’s a character in every crowd.  My friend likes to levitate.  ;) 


I make friend's with this bread  :)

I make friend's with this bread :)

 And they make friends when they bake and share, too. 

No matter how you put the spin on this item

No matter how you put the spin on this item

 It is comforting to know that we are united, no matter how we ‘roll’. 

I'm tasty!

I'm tasty!

and, special.  Very, very, special.



~ by coffeegrounded on August 10, 2009.

One Response to “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, Corn Bread”

  1. Your cornbread looks wonderful. And I LOVE the craziness of the photos!


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