April Showers: May 3rd, 2015, Flowers

Candy Cane Amaryllis, gifted by Vicki & Frank.  "Once upon a Christmas"

Candy Cane Amaryllis, gifted by Vicki & Frank. “Once upon a Christmas.”


What is not to love about her beauty?  Radiantly she smiles...

What is not to love about her beauty? Radiantly she smiles…


Oak-leaf Hydrangea, popping out her, "Hello!"

Oak-leaf Hydrangea, popping out her, “Hello!”


Delicate and promising, a profusion~intrusion within this week.

Delicate and promising, a profusion~intrusion within this week.


The Variegated Hydrangea promises up a bit of color within her center.  Pink?  I believe so...we will wait in eager anticipation.  Lovely, either way.

The Variegated Hydrangea promises up a bit of color within her center. Pinkish lavender? I believe so…we will wait in eager anticipation. Lovely, either way.


A Cuphea, nicknamed, "Cigar Plant".  While poking through the garden center I had hummingbirds poking me!  (An annual to Zone 8, I'm going to pamper this baby; I'm hoping she likes this spot, and can winter here safely.)

A Cuphea, nicknamed, “Cigar Plant.”   While poking through the garden center I had hummingbirds poking me! (An annual to Zone 8, I’m going to pamper this baby; I’m hoping she likes this spot and can winter here safely.)


American Variegated Beautyberry.  (The non-variegated variety have a purple berry, this lady will show pure white berries.)

American Variegated Beautyberry.


The Variegated Beautyberry may cast white berries, but look at the beautiful purple branches!  A keeper, for sure.  I planted her to fill in a dead space and to hide some of the composting area.

The Variegated Beautyberry grows white berries (Non-Variegated have purple), but look at the beautiful purple branches! A keeper, for sure. I planted her to fill in a dead space and to hide some of the composting area.


Trying my hand at Foxglove, generally considered an annual, or biennial, for our area.  They are so beautiful, I couldn't resist!

Trying my hand at Foxglove, generally considered an annual, or biennial, for our area. They are so beautiful, I couldn’t resist!


Another Foxglove, photographs from my hand held camera simply cannot capture the true beauty of these plants.  (Notice, it hasn't kept me from trying... ;)

A  Delphinium, photographed from my hand-held camera, it simply cannot justify the true beauty of this plant. (Notice, it hasn’t kept me from trying… ;)


Mortimer, my snake friend, lives at the base of this tree.  I was trimming Mondo Grass on Friday.  He was a no-show.  This morning while I was working around this area, another, no-show.  He and Marsha must have been at early services, or perhaps they were dining a few feet over at the all-you-can-eat buffet, “The Compost Pile”.


Borage, an herb that naturally repels insects, one particular type that loves to attack rose plants.  (You can't see her, but I have a miniature red rose that sits right next to this plant.)  Borage flowers are nothing spectacular, but once she blooms, I'll try to photograph her.

Borage, an herb that naturally repels insects, one particular type that loves to attack rose plants.  Borage flowers are nothing spectacular, but once she blooms, I’ll try to photograph her.  In the meantime, I’ll probably be clipping the enormous leaves away from the rose.  Also, at front and center, a single Marigold tries to hold her own.  She ain’t doin’ too well.  I’ll transplant her on a overcast day.


It's Texas, and this is a reminder.  Some horse lost his shoe, and somebody blasted off two rounds of buckshot.  Well, I've never owned a shotgun, nor did I meet up with the horse that wore this shoe.  Makes one wonder, doesn't it?  Was the shotgun owner the one who also rode the horse?  There are somethings we are just not destined to know....

It’s Texas, and this is a reminder. Some horse lost his shoe, and somebody blasted off two rounds of buckshot. Well, I’ve never owned a shotgun, nor did I meet up with the horse that wore this shoe. Makes one wonder, doesn’t it? Was the shotgun owner the one who also rode the horse? There are somethings we are just not destined to know….

~ by coffeegrounded on May 3, 2015.

11 Responses to “April Showers: May 3rd, 2015, Flowers”

  1. Your garden is beautiful! Your Amaryllis are stunning! Mine (indoors) bloomed once, and never again – it only produces the green leaves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amy, I was extremely surprised to see that I could grow mine. The first year it bloomed beautifully on the kitchen window sill. The second year, after moving it into a brightly shaded area, I had two blooms, the third year it had doubled in size. Next year I’m going to divide it and share it with neighbors.

      Thanks for your visit. I hope this finds you well and enjoying life.


  2. Your garden loves you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Gorgeous flowers! How happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I’m enjoying them while I can. June will bring with it the extreme heat and only sporadic rain. Right now I’m like a kid in a candy store. I spend most of the day outside, enjoying it while I can. :)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You have such a beautiful garden! I love all of it! :)

    Liked by 1 person

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