‘Dear Ann Landers’

StoryofMyLifetheBlog.blogspot.com and this is Day 8, Jenni assigns us the task of writing:


“A piece of advice you have for others.


  Anything at all.”


Flowering Kniphofia (‘Torch Lily”)

Dare to be yourself

This past year I recall purchasing a birthday card for my brother.  I ventured into my favorite retailer and read about 30 to 50 cards, managing to run through the four card kiosks this establishment has.  I was just about set to leave the store when I saw a new section of cards I’d not recalled from earlier visits.  I hashed my way to them and began devouring every single one of them that had a birthday message attached to it.  (By now I must have read an inventory of over 75 cards.)

I am one of those folk that talk out loud, within earshot, or near-miss of others.  I also laugh, loudly and copiously, if something hits my chimes.  (That is one of the purest beauties of getting older, you really don’t give a damn what folks are thinking, and chances are, they are curious and would like to be ‘in’ on the joke. Often, I’ll put myself out there and encourage them to take a look, read for themselves, or I’ll simply explain, “I’m having a field day over here.  Care to join me?”  This day I had a circle of friends joining in, well, actually, a party of three. ;)

Oh, and the funny written upon that card?…

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken  

I apologize if I have slightly misquoted this charming bit of wisdom, and I am sorry that I can’t direct you to which card company carry’s this particular card.  (I’m about 3.5 miles from that store, haven’t had a shower, the dog needs walked, and I still have three cups of coffee left to consume.  Spot me on this one, will you?  I’ll be back with a delivery at some point, all though it won’t be today.  I have bricks out back with my name on them, and a shovel holding sentry.)



“Be YOU, no matter, what!”

~ by coffeegrounded on May 8, 2013.

4 Responses to “‘Dear Ann Landers’”

  1. Thank you for always imparting this wisdom. I might not be laughing out loud in the card aisle, but because of you, I’m definitely comfortable in my own skin. Mr. Gilbert might need a lesson on this subject though. He seems to be confused quite a bit about who he is ;)


    • You are so sweet; thank you for believing in me. My heart sings. :)

      Gilbert, God love him, he’s shy a few brain cells, but the most wonderful part of it all, he doesn’t know or even give a darn. He is such a precious kitty-cat; a day never passes that I don’t have my heart warmed by his antics.


  2. I LOVE this post!! The whole thing fits your advice! And I am like that, too…I often find myself walking along somewhere with a ridiculous grin on my face and people looking at me curiously…. ;)


    • I love to laugh out loud, and I have to admit, I enjoy the smiles I generally receive when someone notices. ;) Warms my heart. Let’s keep smiling, and bursting into silliness. Perhaps the ill-willed in life with recognize there is a Truth to behold. There is no shame when written in joyous harmonies.

      (Hey girlfriend, I am in jam, I’m trying to post to your blog, but keep running interference.)


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