One Lovely Blog Award….


The rules for the nominees:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.

Thank you, floridaborne, for nominating me. This lovely lady is a talented writer, poet, doggie lover, and feline snuggler. She has a beautiful gift of putting into words those absurdities we encounter on a daily basis, and yet wonder, “Am I alone in this?” She confirms that we are NOT crazy, but that we do mix and mingle between a world of nonsense and BullChit. She has her way of reminding us, “A life well lived, is a life worth fighting for…” Not her words, nor mine, but definitely the creed by which she lives. (Just yesterday she reminded me to increase my Vitamin See.)

2. Add the, “One Lovely Blog Award” logo to your post.

3. Share seven facts/or things about yourself.

I’ve been hither-to-and-fro. She nominated me over two weeks ago, but life got in the way. Actually it hijacked me into two other dimensions. A local wedding and another in Chicago. Two days after returning from a five day visit to Chicago, my sweet, dear Father-in-Law was whisked away by ambulance for a six day hospital stay, and within this same time period my dear friend and neighbor (lives directly across from me), was admitted to a Dallas hospital for brain surgery.

Dad is back home, and although nothing is promised, we are blessed to enjoy every minute we have. “Neighbor-Lady,” sweet and precious one, is resting and recuperating, finally out of ICU this afternoon, she is hopefully fast asleep in her hospital room. (We neighbors are planning to spoil her rotten once she is fully mended.)

The weddings? Amazingly beautiful. The local wedding bride was once-upon-a-time entrusted to me as her carpool mom. Two-and-a-half to three years, I learned much and never let on like I knew a thing. The second bride? My very best friend’s one and only daughter. I can’t even begin to explain what it felt like to be there on her wedding day, especially when I look back 29 years and realize I was there at her birth and one of the first to hold her.

Life, beautiful, mysterious and never to be taken for granted. We forget to cherish the small things, but one day we come to realize they are the greatest of all things.

(How about we count the weddings and the hospital stays as two items? … Thank you!)

I have double vision and a large nevus in my left eye. I’ve been through three eye surgeries and there is a possibility I’ll be sporting a glass eye.

I do not let my depression define me.

I have two wonderful daughters and a very special son-in-law that I refer to as my son.

I’ve recipe tested for two of Peter Reinhart’s baking books.

I’m blessed with four sisters and one brother. There is also a guarded family secret … We have two half-brothers.

4. Nominate fifteen bloggers you admire and inform them on their blogs.

“First of all, this task is not easy. I live to read other’s blogs. I’d rather read, than write these days. For several years I followed, and mainly wrote, all about foodie experiences. Now I am gravitating toward a vast array of interesting experiences. Here’s hoping that the folks I nominate will share their world(s) with us. Let our journey begin:”

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Jen does food like she does photography. Everything is breathtaking! She lives in Northern Colorado, is an avid skier and outdoor enthusiast. Her blog is one of the most spectacular works of art I’ve yet to encounter. She lives life to the fullest and constantly amazes me. A few years back she learned how to forage for all sorts of lovely edibles. A CalTech graduate that understands the true meaning of sharing her life while appreciating the lives of others. (Check out her photoblog…OMG!)

Susan not only masters the art of any pastry or bread she wraps her hands around, but each week she features, featuring International submissions of pastries and breads baked from all corners of the globe!
Try your hand at her take on Norwich Sourdough bread. You must, you simply must!! Also, watch a few of her hands-on videos. She works in the medical field and is also a graduate of the San Francisco Culinary Arts Program.

A husband and a wife team bring us the heavenly and divine dishes of their native land, Somalia. If Smell-O-Vision were a reality, each of us would be enchanted beyond our wildest senses, “Scent Traveling” would be our first excursion!
Many videos are offered, along with step-by-step instructions. Delve into this fantastic array of culinary delights and find yourself in the midst of a treasure trove of yummy delights. Simply beautiful!

Nicole (along with Susan), are responsible for getting flour all over my clothes. They soured me…as in, sourdough bread making. Nicole began a foray into one of Mr, Reinhart’s books, and invited others to join her, baking our way all through the book. And while this journey still has a few items on my “to-do” list, I’m not far from completion. Bread making changed my life. It brought me back to my roots and came to me during the time of a deep loss. I count it among my greatest achievements. Nothing had taught me more about death and renewal. My journey has been spiritual; bread making truly is a journey within itself.

I am ashamed to say that I do not know the author of this spellbinding blog. You’d think I’d have learned it, but truth is, this is a recent find I discovered one afternoon sitting right there in my blogfeed.
How, or why would a 62-year-old lady drift off into the land of mechanical wizardry? If I were younger the answer would be most obvious, but trust me, I’m no Cougar. The ‘happening ‘ occurred when I saw a post connected to the Fire Protection Program at OSU (Oklahoma State University). I gasped! I jumped for joy! My son (in-law), is a 2006 graduate of this very program.
My brother and grandfather are, and were (Grandpa lives in pure Light), mechanical wizards. Hand them a broken piece of equipment and Voila! All will be well in no time flat!

Sheer joy. Buffalo Tom corrals all the cornball jovial craziness and tosses it at us with his gang of fireballs. I’d like to say I found Tom’s blog all by myself, but I just can’t steal the thunder from another goofball (and just as precious), soulmeister, Chris Hinton. Get yourselves ready to Hee-Haw; their ain’t no way around it.
What will dumbfound you ever so more, this gentleman is losing his vision and works tirelessly to provoke our funny bones into overtime. Be warned, once you are under his spell, there is no turning back. (There should be a disclaimer warning us about his infectious spirit.)

“Chris Hinton, where are you? Both your mama and I iz looking fer ya! Call home, soon! Supper was dun and it’s now burnt.”
I can’t describe this genius mindset. I have never read anything more thought-provoking, enchanting, hilarious, or heartbreaking. Chris is one of those people I dream about meeting one day. Not in hopes of getting his autograph or even his handshake. I simply want to wrap my arms around him and thank him for sharing his gifts. I want to bake him homemade chocolate chip cookies. Oh, and I want him to call home and tell his mama he’s visiting DFW.
He hides out from time to time, as true literary giants must sometimes do, taking a breather and time to ponder his universe. This quiet time is most essential, a reprieve from the madness of brilliance that blazes across his universe. This young man holds an awesome talent. I hope he is corralled and allowed to fully work his magic.
I love everything about you Chris. Even your dark secrets. Without them you would have lived an easier life, but God brought them to you so that you could “Light” others worlds in magical splendor. We are gifted by your presence.

Joy! She’s full of it. Her mom and dad surely witnessed it before they signed off on that birth certificate. She’s food-crazed, loaded with cheerfulness. If she’s not baking, podcasting or hosting a get together, she’s probably writing another cookbook. Smile, you’re going to love this young lady!

The writer, the one that captures me as did the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Faulkner and Kafka. Words spill out upon her page, dusted by gilt and fire. She plays with metaphor and simile as a dance. Her work weaves in and out and through, beyond to beginning thus versus an ending. Where you were is where you are, and yet you have been elsewhere. Suddenly you find yourself standing in the ‘now’. Try as I might, I cannot do justice to her prose. Spellbindinding enchantress!

Vickie Kuyuk and Floridaborne are in cahoots. Literally. I found one and went quickly in search for the other. Let’s just suffice it to say that these two are working the playgrounds in tandem. One without the other is like eating half of a Popsicle and just as you get ready to chomp that second half, WHOOPS! You feel the gravity of the situation and realize, you need that other half. Go for it! Who gives a flip if they see you licking off the playgrounds dirt? Certainly none of this crowd!

Yes, I know you’ve already been nominated, but learn to live with being felicious. (Yes, I made that word up.)
I found this blog on a fluke. Maybe I was jamming to Neil Young or Pink Floyd. Perhaps I was ‘pretending’ to house chores. Maybe I was in the garden and my doggie brought me my iPad?
Matters not how I fell into the realm of the Master with 15 cats and counting. All I know is I overcame that fear of becoming known as ‘the old lady with all the cats.’ Suddenly I felt at home, smitten by kittens and their parental unit.
I must admit to being a tad bit jealous. 15 cats! I only have three. But then I remember the dog, the precious doggie, and once again I am grounded. :)

Well, actually she can. Write. Think outside the box. Create magic without so much as thinking about it. This girl has some serious talent. Once upon a time she wanted to become a writer for SNL. Tina and Amy are her BFF’s. She doesn’t stalk them or anything. But up there in her grey matter I’m pretty sure she’s having three-way conversations with them, and contributing her two cents worth.
I have no idea what Mal can’t even ‘do’…unless this blog was written with her mother in mind. I can’t help but wonder, did she find out I discovered it and she titled it to get a point across to her mother?
Haven’t a clue. Never read her FaceBook, nor her MySpace. Carpool chatter was enough to do me in. I knew she needed her space. There was a world of literary funnyboneitis brewing and she required space.

A team of three, but only the human female writes the dialog. In another place and time she was known as, Cinderella. She has multiple tiaras’ to prove it. Her glass slippers were actually ‘jellies’ (remember how sweaty your feet were ladies after wearing them for all of five seconds?). This girl never had a stepmother, but upon certain days and times of the month I’m sure she wished for one. Once, around age five, she packed a small hobo-style bundle with a juice box and snacks and an item or two of clothing. Coming into the kitchen, she announced to her father and mother that she was moving away. (Funny, we hadn’t been arguing…) we both wished her safe travels and told her to keep in touch. She promptly opened the door, managed a step forward onto the porch. Realizing she’d had no one following her, she turned, reopened the door and shouted, “Aren’t you going to stop me?”

Kris stumbled into my blogosphere several years ago. We were two of hundreds from around the world that tried our hand at creating a specialty item each month as part of The Daring Bakers.
I recall the first time I visited Kris’s personal blog. I immediately wondered what on earth he was doing as part of the monthly challenge over at the Daring Bakers. He’s a top-level pastry specialist. One look at his blog and his professional cakes will have you wondering whether he’s baked the Queen of England her Anniversary cake, or was it the cake Warren Buffet presented to his staff for Koffee Klatch Friday? Mojo! This kids got so much talent it makes one wonder if there’s any left over for the rest of us. Want a nice handbag for your beloved? How about a two-in-one? Run over there and take a peek. Then come back and tell me what time your flight leaves. I’m going with you. I LOVE everything he creates. A Master in his own time!

He’s busy. He’s going to roll his eyes when he sees one more accolade, one more request. Worse yet, he’s going to scream when he discovers “Coffee” is back and she’s still calling him, Honey-Bunches. I’m hopeless. I’ve had a grandmother’s crush on him since day one. I want him to come over for coffee and cocoa, but he needs to bring the tarts, cookies, and his sweetheart.
I know you can’t respond to this award. I know you can’t, but I have to ask just one question: what do you need from TJ Maxx? Granny aims to please. (No, I did not knit another sweater. I promise.) XO!

~ by coffeegrounded on November 1, 2014.

7 Responses to “One Lovely Blog Award….”

  1. Thank you so much! You are so nice. Your write up was spot on and very flattering. I’ll have to come back and read through everything carefully, my daughter is nagging me to go shopping, so I shall return. :-)


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