Nana B and Auntie M are in a contest…


competing for a piece of the shovel


Two sisters, two gardens. What could go wrong?   Nana B had the nerve to send me a photo of her new greenhouse a week or so ago.  And then yesterday she mailed me a picture of her 90 foot by 15 foot newly planted garden plot.

and this is the prize!



I was going to offer my heart




but it belongs to, Hannah



Okay, I’m don’t have a chance in Hades of becoming close in production, especially when you see the plot of land I refer to as my garden.

Oh, did I mention she has a pond she uses as a watering source, and a very skilled hubby that has built an irrigation system?

Do I sound peeved?  Actually I’m not.  I’m only green.  My thumb infection spread throughout my body.  It’s not a jealousy infection, or anything to do with fake chemicals.  I grow organically, the green was caused by harvesting.


Scroll down and I’ll show you my lunch garden.  It can also help us though dinner if we don’t gorge ourselves.  Forget about getting a breakfast feast from it.  Just nibble on herbs and dig for grub worms for protein.




I planted her last summer.  She was growing in a store.  I chose to put her into a place where she would be appreciated.  Hawaii and Texas want to “Welcome” everyone!

Even those holding a ‘chewfest’ over at the lone cabbage plant.


I didn’t care for those fast moving weather changes this winter.  This onion agreed.  He said to heck with bulbing, He’s chosen to expose  himself as a seedy character.


Drink plenty of water and tea before you arrive for lunch.  Spinach is going to bulk us up (if we don’t steam it). That red chard is going to have to have an extra week before we tap into her.  Drink water and eat bugs for a few days.  Share with your neighbors and leave my caterpillars, butterflies and earthworms alone.  Oh, and don’t come hollering if a hummingbird or honeybee awakes or fans you.  They own this place more than we do.  This food camp wouldn’t be if it weren’t for them.  Come early. Some caterpillars are onto us.  Our harvest dates are colliding.  (Go left and you can chew on cilantro, go right and chomp on an onion.)


If you’ve never eaten Swiss chard you are depriving yourself of a delicious treat.  Eat it hot, eat it cold, but eat it.  It’s one of the most amazing items discovered.


  Herbs.  They’re versatile, enjoy being ridiculed as ‘minor’ and don’t mind being ignored.  Some critters use them to nest.  Dill weed nests the caterpillar that later become the beautiful Swallowtail Butterfly.


 Oh look!  I failed to tell you about the kale.  Ain’t she pretty?  Look up, she’s frilly and sits between the comfrey and the abundant sage.  Check out that basil!  My third planting this season.  Weather frost kicked butt on the earlier plantings.


It’s obvious that sister over in Texarkana has earned that beloved Shovel Trophy.  Let us not fret, stew, worry. or blow bad Karma her direction.

I’ve got some consolation surprises for my cheer section.  Sit back and just enjoy.

It’s been a rough ride, but as long as we’re still in the game, we ain’t lost.  We’re just over here looking for our dignity.










This, a Native of Texas…and I have forgotten her name.


I will post her name tomorrow.  I grow two varieties of these.  They appear like dancing butterflies and form a swirling pattern during heavy bloom. Guara!!! That’s our Beauty Queen. Just a few hours of sleep and several cups of coffee, but that’s the pretty flowers name. Enjoy!


P.S.  We all win, don’t ‘cha think?  We all love nature and if you don’t, how on earth did you wander over here?

~ by coffeegrounded on April 27, 2014.

2 Responses to “Nana B and Auntie M are in a contest…”

  1. Save some for me!!! Can’t wait to see those beautiful blooms in person (and that sweet pup).

    Liked by 1 person

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