Checking on Mr. Snips


Munching along the Guara Road.


This fuzzy-wuzzy character is hiding this morning, but rain is about to fall, so surely he has headed for safer territory.

The mighty feast of the guara has its bloomings bare, and it’s branches scrawny looking, but noting his size, all will rebound once his feast frenzy has ended.  Which should be soon.  This picture was taken at the end of last week; I glimpsed him yesterday and he is one chubby camper.


 Centering a universe


Candy-Cane Amaryllis




She’s preparing to unfold and capture the world with her beauty


Milkweed, Bottlebush & Euphorbia;

Milkweed is the orange/red/yellow, Bottlebush is the purple.



Field of Cilantro Flowers, a haven for the bees and butterflies.



Color is a magnet, as is scent,

Pink Penta, butterfly magnet extrordinaire!


Bougainvillea vine


Flowering Knifophia (Lime-colored) also known as poker plant.



Native Nandina, prepping for berries.



Swiss Chard*

Lovely to look at, more lovely to eat.  A beautiful plant in the garden.  Kissed by dew and raindrops.


This item is so versatile it will make your head swim!  ;)



Little Porters, Cherries and Plum Tomatoes are making themselves known!

(I believe these are porters.)



Home.  Sweet.  Home.  :)



The spinach and kohlrabi crops have been harvested.  Georgia collards and Siberian kale are taking up shop in their place and should soon make an appearance.

The compost area is reworked and is boasting a boatload of “unknowns.”  Something is in need of a trellis, but I’m not into wood shop adventures.  It will be interesting to see what kind of rig shows up to aid and assist.  I’m known for my free-styling, what-cha-ma-call-it’s.


*I erroneously reported the Swiss Chard as Red Kale earlier today.  For shame, for shame.  I know better.

~ by coffeegrounded on May 12, 2014.

6 Responses to “Checking on Mr. Snips”

  1. Love the photos! Especially, my favorites, Nandina & Bougainvillea! I hope my T TS spelled those correctly. :-)


    • I have baby nandina EVERYWHERE. If I don’t get serious and start plucking the volunteers I’m sure to be run out of town by those buggers.
      I love when the berries appear. Nandina are gorgeous just about anytime of the year.

      I saw my first peach colored Bougainville the other day. Pretty, but still not as striking as the deep reds and pinks, in my opinion.

      Take care, Tom. Thanks for your visit. Hoping all is improving.


    • Thanks, so much! As soon as I get some energy back I’ll be doing just fine. :-)
      I’m with you on nandina They are beautiful year round in the south. I use to grow several of the dwarf varieties in Alabama. I don’t see many bougainvilleas where I’m living now, sad to say. I really love all of the foliage found in the south. Even the aggressive mimosa tree. :-) Love your pictures and prose in this post!


    • Oh, the beloved Mimosa tree! Such a beautiful item. Once upon a time I lived in Shreveport, LA. That’s where I learned to love them, but, not unlike the native Nandina, it is either love or hate. There’s no middle ground.

      Thank you for your compliments, Tom. You keep pushing toward good health. I received good news yesterday, not as serious as earlier thought. That being said, I’ll be around to pay these doctor bills. That’s one way to look at the bright side of things! ;)


    • I am definitely glad to hear that you will be around to pay your doctor bill! My granny knew how to control and tame the mimosa… I never learned. My neighbor had a clump of mimosa that would send runners into my yard… I was very careful not to let them get out of control. :-) Have you ever grown St John’s Wort in your area? I really liked growing it in Alabama, it looks really good around fish ponds.


    • I’ve seen St. John’s Wort at the organic garden center I shop. Never have tried growing it. Funny you should mention fish ponds. When we first moved to this home we had a Koi pond. Kept it for several years. Beautiful fish, tranquil setting, but it was so much work. I used a natural sand filtration system and the maintenance was a muscle builder. Play-yard sand bags are heavy!


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